Foolproof Standing Rib Roast

Follow this method for a standing rib roast that is lusciously browned on the outside and rare on the inside...regardless of size!

    • Allow roast to stand at room temperature for at least l hour. If roast is frozen, thaw completely and bring to room temperature.
    • In the morning, pre-heat oven to 375 degrees. Rub roast with seasonings (salt, pepper and garlic salt) Place roast on rack in pan, rib side down (fatty side up) and roast at 375 degrees for one hour.
    • Turn off oven. Leave roast in oven, but do not open oven.
    • 40 minutes before serving time turn oven on again to 375 degrees and reheat roast 30 to 40 minutes. (Do not remove roast or open oven from time roast is put in until ready to serve.)
    • Roast meat in morning and reheat as directed in last step. For a more well-done roast, increase reheating time 15 to 30 minutes longer.

Ruth Anne Neville (2003)