Remove turkey from bag. After removing neck and giblets from the body cavity, rinse bird with cold water. Pat cavities lightly with paper towel. Rub body and neck cavities with salt, if desired, and stuff loosely. Truss neck cavity with metal skewers and truss legs. Rub entire turkey with a paste made of the following:
- 4 Tbs Oil, Melted Butter, or Olive Oil
- 4 Tsp Salt, or to Taste
- 2 Tsp Paprika
Place bird in open pan, breast side up. Add 2 8oz. glasses of water. Place in oven.
Use a 325º oven.
Hen-Weight Roasting Time
- 14-16 lbs: 3-1/2 to 3-3/4 hrs
- 16-18 lbs: 3-3/4 to 4 hrs
- 18-20 lbs 4 to 4-1/2 hrs
- 20-22 lbs: 4-1/2 to 5 hrs
- 22-24 lbs: 5 to 5-1/2 hrs
- Note: If turkey is unstuffed, decrease roasting time by 30 minutes
When the turkey is half done, heat - do not boil- one cup white wine and pour over turkey. This is the secret to a marvelous gray.
After your turkey is done, add 6 to 8 ice cubes to juices in pan so fat can surface to be skimmed. Make a flour and cornstarch paste (half and half) with cold water. Combine thoroughly. Add to boiling drippings in pan, stirring to thicken. Season to taste.