Smoked Turkey Legs


    • 4 Turkey Legs
    • 1/4 Cup Kosher Salt
    • 1/4 Cup Molasses
    • 4 Cloves Garlic
    • Bunch of Sage Leaves
    • Bunch of Thyme
    • Whole Black Peppercorns
    • Pink Curing Salt (Prauge Powder #1) - Optional


    • Brine -- In a small pot, combine 1 quarter of water, salt, molasses, garlic, sage leaves, thyme and peppercorns. Bring up to a light simmer for ~10 minutes. Turn heat off. Add pink curing salt if desired. Let cool, then refrigerate for a few hours. After the brine is chilled, put turkey legs and brine in a 1 gallon ziplog bag. Let cure in the refrigerator for 18-24 hours. 1-2 times during the process flip the legs over.
    • Cooking -
        • Set the grill up for indirect heat. Put in 1 large chunk of desired wood in for smoke (we used Pecan).
        • Bring the grill up to ~225 degrees Farenheit. Cook the legs for ~45 minutes.
        • Remove the turkey legs, and bring the grill temperature up to ~425 degrees Farenheit. Put the turkey legs back on the grill and cook for an additional ~25 minutes until the internal temperature is 165-170 degrees Farenheit.
        • Let the rest for 20 minutes after cooking, tent them with foil.

John Setzler