Huli Huli Chicken


    • Chicken Thighs / Quarters
    • 1/2 Cup Ketchup
    • 1/2 Cup Soy Sauce
    • 1/2 Cup Brown Sugar
    • 1/4 Cup Rice Vinegar
    • Freshly Grated Ginger
    • Freshly Minced Garlic


    • Whisk together marinade ingredients in a bowl. Reserve 1/2 cup for basting
    • Put chicken in a large storage bag and add marinade. Marinade for 8-24 hours, flipping occasionally.
    • Set the grill up for a direct cook, normal height. Heat grill to ~350-400 degrees Farenheit
    • Put the chicken on the grill, let cook for several minutes before flipping
    • Baste the chicken occasionally, don't be afraid to "keep the chicken moving." As it gets closer to being done move the chicken toward the edge of the grill away from the fire.
    • The chicken is done when it reaches an internal temp of ~175 degrees Farenheit